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DhuMall iGlobalSourcing: The One-stop B2B Shopping Destination
The progressing B2B landscape is ushering in a new era of how B2B sales are being conducted. Leverage out of the box functionalities of DhuMall iGlobalSourcing δΈ€ to orchestrate seamless modern digital B2B transactions. The marketplace solution has been purpose-built with core B2B-specific features to capture growth opportunities in the flourishing sector.
Modern B2B buyers expect an intuitive eCommerce experience to ease the buying process. DhuMall iGlobalSourcing offers a seamless user experience along with features such as multiple payment gateways, One-click reordering, and more. Negotiations are hosted just like the real world with the Request For Quote module in DhuMall. Businesses can accept, reject, or place a counter offer.